Gamechangers & the Million Dreams Movement

The big questions of our lives can sometimes come out of the blues, but often, we slide into them slowly and steadily pretending they don’t exist.

I have asked versions of these questions at different points in my life. My journey to find answers took, multiple drastic job changes, pay cuts, a lot of mistakes, and finally culminated into a complete career change that has led me to become an organisational/career psychologist.

I now have the joy of working with a number of professionals from different parts of the world in answering their big questions.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." — Eleanor Roosevelt

My journey led me to helping people answer the big questions of career and personal development:

  • high clarity for personal and professional goals
  • successfully navigating careers with a marginalised identity (race, gender, socio-economic background, disability, personal limitations or a combination of these factors)
  • successful career transitions
  • better career opportunities including promotions and better pay, sometimes without leaving current employer
  • improved communication and interpersonal skills
  • successful return to work after long breaks
  • better work-life balance
  • recovery from burnout
    successful outcomes for damaged relationships at work
  • greater confidence
  • improved performance at work
  • Improved personal brand and influence


In the joy of working with my clients, I have learned valuable lessons on what not to do when asking a “big question”. My work marries scientific research and lived experiences. In 2020, we launched a series of online workshops called a million dreams. We were joined by hundreds of people from over 10 countries across the globe, over 3 sessions that were termed as inspiring, uplifting and life-changing for our attendees.

We have since supported some of our a million dreamers into launching their own purpose-filled projects, ventures, personal and career goals. We continue to mentor and support a number of women on their game-changer journeys.

We welcome you to join the game-changers on our learning platform.

You can join the Gamechangers Coaching Experience alone for a tailored 1:1 journey or as part of a group.