Happiness? Anyone?
A time to talk with the People Proffession
Yesterday I was invited to kick-off this authentic, and light-hearted conversation convened by the ,#CIPD , and attended by hundreds of their members. The “Why Series”, kicked-off yesterday with “Why can’t we talk about Race at Work”, and has opened up a whole new space for the “people profession” to engage with the topic in […]
Why does change take so long?
D&I, A Sustainable Roadmap
Creating lasting impact with D&I
This week I was invited by MRL Consulting Group to share a number of insights with a diverse audience interested in D&I. The feedback reflects the value people came away with. Here are a chosen few… “Thank you for such a powerful presentation Margaret Ochieng. We are currently building D&I strategy in our organisation and […]
#RED for Racism; Reflect, Explore, Disrupt…
The higher you go, the whiter it becomes and other leadership stories…
The Black Vanguard
Recent research says “It is easier to find a CEO called Steve than it is to find a BAME CEO in the UK”. It will be obvious to many people of colour that “the higher you go, the whiter it becomes in most UK organisations”. As a researcher I am even more intrigued at the […]
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